Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To The Point

As always Butler gets right to the point regarding his topic of the day. This time it's Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson would be a perfect candidate...He is, after all, a professional actor, and would be quite adept at learning the lines others have scripted for him.
Shaffer goes on to surmise that politics is really nothing more than imagery. When you really sit back and think about it he's right. Politics is not just about imagery half the time but I'd say about 99% of the time. All one has to do is read this concerning the $59.1 trillion in liabilities this country's taxpayers owe well into the future. That's over $500,000 per household.

The fact that hardly any politicians talk seriously about the issue and many of them actually call for increases in entitlements cleary shows that imagery rules the day as a means of getting votes.

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