Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Secession and Ron Paul

Via Lew's blog comes Jeiel Schalkwijk's socialist case for Ron Paul.

I will give three examples, socialized healthcare, moral laws and gun control. Ron Paul is not an advocate of these things, but his presidency will help the groups that advocate these things.

Since the federal government will take in less tax, states can afford to raise taxes as high as they see fit and use it to implement socialized healthcare. Now you do not need to convince the entire United States that socialized healthcare is better, but you only need to convince the people of your state, a much simpler task.

Your state can have its own healthcare plan and you could withdraw from Medicare and Medicaid.

Among the many reasons I support Paul is that I believe he would not murder secessionists if they initiated leaving the United States. I don't think there's another candidate in the Democratic or Republican fields that wouldn't at the least try very hard to cajole secessionists away from pushing forward with their plans. Many would use overt force of arms.

During my evening exercise I realized that this goes to the crux of why I support Paul. He recognizes the inherent right to secede and the flourishing of humanity and freedom that would occur during a peaceful secession. While I don't think we'll see him openly advocating secession as a means to weaken the Federal behemoth I do believe that if posed the question he would unequivocally support the right to secede from the United States.

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