Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blogging Amateur

On the left-hand side of my blog underneath my labels and personal profile there is a vertical strip of Google Ads. Last time I checked they've generated just a touch under $2 of revenue in about a quarter of a year of blogging. Money this blog does not generate.

Originally, I had a dream of slowly building my blog readership and perhaps turning 5 or 10k in ad revenue every year. Now, just three months into my blogging venture, I could care less about the cash. I'm simply having too much fun writing about what I'm truly interested in. There's no feeling of pressure to produce content that's going to turn a buck for me -- content that may not interest me that much. I've tried that before and those blogs have died a quick death.

Zieak.com's post on how not to make money blogging sounds familiar to me. Point one sums up the state of my blog nicely.

"I write about many different things...So my randomness appeals only to people that know me and wonder what I'm up to."

And even that may be stretching it.


adriane said...

I still haven't figured out how to get my google ad off of the same charity link it's always had. Let me know if you know what i'm doing wrong...

The Hook said...

But what about the children?

If I ever figure it out I'll let you know. Why don't you just throw up a strip of four ads like me?

adriane said...

how do you throw up a strip of 4 ads? i'm clueless

The Hook said...

See if this works. Click on 'Template' when you're in the screen where you can write your posts. The find the 'AdSense' box in the 'Add and Arrange Page Elements'screen and click 'edit' in the box.

A pop-up box will appear and in the 'Format' drop-down choose '120 x 600 Vertical Banner'.

After clicking 'Save Changes' you should be golden!