Saturday, September 15, 2007

From Iowa to Manhatten

I'm fond of this account of a one man sushi eating contest from this past winter. One reason it resonates is that the fellow in the picture below, our contestant, looks like an old friend of ours. Another reason is that the post concerns eating a vast quantity of sushi. This is an activity that I desperately wish to try sometime before I pass from this earth.


Unknown said...

Whoa!! As i pulled up your page tonight, i thought...Pashler!!! Then I read your post and cracked up that you thought the same thing.

Jeffrey Hill said...

I hope you fulfill your wish. I've had a couple of opportunities to stuff myself with sashimi (not as a contest), and they were glorious experineces. And the naps that followed were equally savory.

The Hook said...

Thanks, I'll be sure to let everyone know when I do, Jeffrey. Sushi is something that I could eat four times a week if my wallet was fat.

Only pizza beats it in my book.