Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Paul Reality Check

Stillwell notes that some talking heads are beginning to question whether or not American troops should occupy Korea, Japan or Germany indefinitely. This is a new development for Washington Insiders to broach such a sacrilegious idea because it aims a stake at the heart of where our Federal masters draw so much of their influence and power.

While some of the reason probably is the Ron Paul effect, I think a bigger reason is the dawning realization that the American economy is teetering on the brink of suffering a dramatic downturn. The costs of maintaining a huge military presence in the three countries noted above and the continuing fiasco in Iraq will quickly become too much to bear for the quickly devaluing dollar.

If the economy goes in the tank in '08 the easiest place to look to in the Federal budget to cut will be on the Empire Maintenance line.

Americans will ask, What is the Empire doing for me? And they'll answer, Well, not too much.

Then they'll ask, Do I want to maintain my social security disability pay/my soak the young medicare coverage/my daughter's ability to get Federal loans for college so I don't have to ante up? And they'll answer, Hell yes!

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