Monday, July 02, 2007

Conservative Endism

Raimondo declares the GOP dead. The Post-WWII Conservative movement that made its entrance onto the national stage with Goldwater's failed run for the presidency in 1964, was consummated in Reagan's victory in 1980 and appeared to be solidified with the Republican takeover of the House in 1994 is now caput. Instead,

Since 9/11, conservatism has reverted back to European-style absolutism, as evidenced by the Right's embrace of the revisionist theory of the "unitary presidency," which elevates the president in wartime to monarchical status.


The Goldwater-fusionist devotion to decentralized power, the genuine fear of Big Government, the libertarian disdain for officialdom and its inherent inefficiencies have all been thrown overboard and a state-and-leader worshipping cult of power installed in their place.

What the Bush worshippers fail to realize is that the unitary presidency will someday be occupied by someone they fear. Probably sooner rather than later.

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