Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Lew has a cool link to a video that exhibits the comparative size of our Sun to the planets in our solar system as well as larger suns outside the system.

One of BLDGBLOG's many posts on the Sun.

I get light-headed when I read that the surface of the sun "is really a thousand times more vacuous than a candle-flame on Earth, and even the concentrated moiling gases hidden a thousand miles below it are a hundred times thinner than earthly air." Indeed, some stars, such as E Aurigae I – a star so huge that it could "contain most of our solar system, including the 5.5-billion-mile circumference of Saturn's orbit". [my emphasis]

Geoff Manuagh wrote that particular post a year ago and references a writer named Guy Murchie whose descriptive book on the sun, The Music of the Spheres, is no longer in print.

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