Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's Been One Week Since

Seven days ago at this time Jen and I were waking up in Kansas City-K after two full days of fun and festivities. The event? The B-Burgh wedding of course.

Oklahoma Joe's carryout kicked things off at the rehearsal dinner on Thursday and for the first time we Easterners enjoyed something called cheesy-corn. Okie-Joe's is only the best bbq I've ever had and is consistently tasty each time we have it. When Jen and I hit KC last October, we went straight to Joe's from the airport with Rush and had a great meal.

The wedding was very well administered by the Brandenburg's priest and the church was very cool-looking architecturally. It was built in the late 60's and had an open, welcoming feel with a wood furnished interior ceiling reaching circularly up from the walls to a point high in the middle.

The wedding reception was held at a dinner the-a-ter a little down the road from the church. All of the tables, chairs and railings were covered in elegant white fabric. A five hour open bar really put reception over the top. Crown Royale and coke has become my new favorite mixed drink. I think Rush was putting those back too. There was even a Brandenburg special ale that had a strong lemony flavor to it. Another highlight was that a celebrity look alike joined us at the reception - Chris Farley's antics kept us laughing well into the night.

But all joking aside, Jen and I had a great time spending time with both families, friends and especially Rush and Adriane. They'll be back from their NoCal honeymoon tomorrow and this very happy couple will begin the rest of their lives together back in Kansas.

We couldn't be happier for them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice synopsis.
Here's a tidbit from San Fran: The Saturday morning farmer's market has literally thousands of people and a large amount of vendors. The only presidential candidate presence was a booth for the "Dream Ticket" of Hillary and Obama, an Obama 2008 booth, and several individuals for Ron Paul. They had a table and some stuff for sale and I bought a $2 button that I wore throughout the day. It was good to see in the liberal bastion of San Fran.